
Burkina Faso

geographical name Bur·ki·na Fa·so \br-ˈkē-nə-ˈfä-sō, bər-\

Definition of BURKINA FASO

republic W Africa; until 1958 a French territory Ouagadougou area 105,869 square miles (274,201 square kilometers), pop 13,730,258
Bur·ki·na·be \br-ˈkē-nə-ˌbā, bər-\ adjective or noun

Variants of BURKINA FASO

Bur·ki·na Fa·so or formerly Upper Vol·ta \ˈvōl-tə, ˈvl-, ˈväl-\
BURKINA FASO Defined for Kids

Burkina Faso

geographical name Bur·ki·na Fa·so \br-ˈkē-nə-ˈfä-sō\

Definition of BURKINA FASO for Kids

country W Africa N of Ivory Coast, Ghana, & Togo; capital, Ouagadougou


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